Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sida lo jabiyo Password-ka mobil-ka sumsung haduu kaaga xirmo ( Hab Fudud )

Daawo Cashir ku saabsan sida loo jabiyo hadii uu mopilka kaaga xirmo Password runtii cashirkaan in aan so diyariyo waxa igu kalifay markii aan arkay dad badan oo ka cawanaayo arinkaan.
Daawo Cashirka

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Waa maxay Masuuliyad(Wax badan ka ogoow)Qalinkii Rashka

In la barto Mas’uuliyad waxa ay qof walba  ka kaalmeysa Sidii uu ugaran laha Qeybta uu ka leeyahay ama uu ka joogo Dadweynaha uu ku dhexnoolyahay,sidoo kale waxa ay ka kaalmeysa sidii uu qofka uga qeyb qaadan laha ilaalinta hantida umadda ka dhaxeysa,waxa kaloo  a y ka kaalmeysa sidii uu u ogaan laha xuquuqda uu leyahay iyo mida ay ku leeyihiin bulshada.

Xilka qofka saaran waxa  ka mid ah Kuwaan so socdo:

1-Ilaalinta hantida dadka ka dhaxeysa sida qalabka Dugsiyada,qalabka isbitaalada,korantada,qalabka Biyaha ee ceelasha Dowlada Warshadaha iyo wixii la mid ah.
2-Ilaalinta deriska iyo hantidooda sida Guryaha iyo dukaannada.
3-Ilaalinta dadka jilicsan sida waayeelka ,Dumarka,Carruurta iyo Masaakiinta.
4-Ka xishoodka Dad-ka kaa waa weyn.
5-Edab kula dhaqanka dadka aad isugu timaadan Basaska,Dugsiyada iyo Suuqyada.
6-Wax ka qabashada Munkarka iyo Gaalo iska yeelka .Ha ka aamusin Hadii aad aragto dhaqana xumo diinta islaamka ka horjeedo.
7-Iska ilaalinta waxa ay dadka dhibsanayaan sida Cayda,Buuqa baadan,Muranka iyo dagaalka.
Dadka dhibka u geysta dadka iyo hantidooda waxa ka maqan aqoonta Mas’uuliyadda ee islaamka tilmaamay.Rasuulka (NNKH)waxa uu yiri “Qof walba waa Mas’uul,Waxaana wax laga weydiin doona wixii loo dhiibey sidii uu yeelay”

Qof kasta waxa uu xaq u leeyahay:

1-In uu meesha uu doonayo tago ama dego.
2-In uu nabadgelyo u helo naftiisa ,xoolihiisa iyo Qoyskiisa.
3-In la ixtiraamo oo la dhawro Sharaftiisa.
Qof kasta waxa laga Doonaya a oo xaq loogu leeyahay arrimaha soo socdo:
1-In la socdo waxyaabaha hareerihiisa Ka dhacaayo.Waa in uu ku dadaalaa sidii uu xumaanta uga hortagi laha.Af iyo adinba
2-Waa in uu u hoggaansamo  Amarada Diinta islaamka ee ina faraysa wanaag.

Soomaaliya Fadaraal ma’udanbaa mise waa udib udhac!?(Warbixin-Qalinkii Rashka)

Dadka soomaalieed waxa ay yeeshteen ama heleen rajo wanagsan  taasi oo ka maqneed tan iyo markii ay meesha ka baxday Dowladii dhaxe ee Soomaaliye balse taasi waxaad moodaa in ay dib usoo laabaneyso isla markaana shacbiga soomaaliyeed ay muujinaayaan u heelanaan ay u heelan yihiin dowlad loo dhan yahay in uu Dalkeena yeesho.
Dhanka kale waxaad moodaa in rajadaasi wanaagsan oo shacab weynaha soomaaliyeed lahaa in ay ceel ku sii dhaceeso ayadoona loo nisbeenaya ama sababtu tahay “Fadaraal” hadaba muxuu yahay Fadaraal Dowladu maxaa u diiday in shacabkeeda ku dhawaad 20-sano madluun sanaa in ay ka dhaadhiciso waxa uu yahay Fadaraalka su’aasha jirta waxa ay tahay Muxuu fadaraalka keenay ma dhib mise dheef mudadaan yare e aan aragno.
Dhab ahaantii soomaaliya kuma wacna in laga hir galiyo fadaraal balse ka soo qaad ayadoo laga hir galiyay Dalka Waxa dhacday in dowlada ay u martay jid qaldan  ayadoona sameysay ama ku dhaqaaqday in ay aqoon satay Maamulo sheegtay in ay sameysteen Maamul Gobaleed taasi oo keentay in Maamulo kale ay sheegtaan in ay sameesteen iygana ayadoona taasi ay keentay in uu halkaasi ka dhashay is qab-qabsi  balaaran oo wali aan xal dhab ah laga gaarin .
Taa waxa ka daran waxa ay shacabka qaar ama odayaasha qaar ay Fadaraalkii ka dhigeen Qabyaalad waxaadna maqleysa Beel hebal odayaasheda uma dhama Beel hebel Waa lagu yareyay xumnahay u matalaayo Beel hebal Go'aan ay ka gaartay ila laga soo dhamestiro Sadkii aan ku laheen Maamulkaas.
Hadaba maxaa Dowlada la gudboon
Xalka dhabta ah oo ay dowlada soomaaliya ka gaari karto waa ayadoo la timaada siyaasad cad taasi oo ah mid lagu qanci karo walibana ka maran  musuq maasuq  isla markaaana Dowlada  mowqifkeeda yahay mid cad ayadoona eegeyso danaha shacabka soomaaliyeed iyo dastuurka qaranka.
Qore:C/risaaq maxamed Rashka

Dagaal ma xalbaa Maxaase uga hari la'nahay!?(Qalinkii Rashka)

Dagaal waa  wax aad uxun walibana aan u fiicneen dhagaha bila’aadamka taasi oo leh damiir fiyoowi qabta sidoo kale Soomaalidu maah-maah ayeey ka tirisay ayagoo ka duulaya sameenta xun ee uu bulshada ku reebo waxa ayna ka dhaheen arinkaan (Dagaal wiil kuma dhashee wiil ayaa ku dhinta).
Dabcan marka maah-maahdu ay sidaa u dhaceeso ma ahan in la dareesiinayo sameenta uu Dagaalka reebayo oo kaliya   raga  balse waxa ay la hadleysaa dhamaan bulshada qeebaheeda kala duwan hadeey ahaan laheed rag iyo  Dumar ama qof walba oo caqli u saaxiib ah.
Dhanka kale soomaalidu waxa ay Dagaal ku soo jireen ku dhawaad 22-Sano ilaa iyo hada waxa ay faraha kula jiraan qas iyo /dagaal kuwaasi oo maraaxilo badan soo maray walibana  aan dhamaad laheen ha ahaado mid u dhaxeeyo qabiil , ha ahaado mid u dhaxeeyo Dowlad iyo urur islaami ah nuuc walba ha ahaado dadka soomaaliyeed sidaasi oo jirta waa ay garan la’yihiin sababta dhabta ah ee ka danbeysa Dagaalka soomaaliya ka jira mudadaasi dheer.
Hadabo wali ma is weydiisay muwaadinoow sarta meesha ay ka qurun san tahay ama arintu meesha ay iska qaban la’dahay waan fahmi kara si uun inaad u fikirtay balse su’aasha aan ku weydiinaayo waxa ay tahay wali niyada ma iskala hadashay oo xalka Soomaaliya sidee kuula muuqdaa?
Ugu danbeentii Dagaal xal laguma gaarayo aan ka aheen bur-bur iyo dib udhac qarniyaal aad uga dib dhacdid dowladaha asaagaada ah oo wax bartay Dagaal waxa uu mustaqbal xumo ku ridayaa Jiilkeena soo koraayo iyo ubadka ay sii dhali doonanan  mu’waadinoow ogoow in jiilka soo koraayo uu kaa filaayo daacad nimo inaad ugu adeegto ma kaa filaayo taasi badalkeeda inaad ugu badasho balanteena waa in aynu iska joojino Dagaalada oo aan usoo jeesano dhanka hor-marka .
Qore:C/risaaq maxamed Rashka

Waxbadan ka ogoow Faa'iidoyinka iyo Waxtarka ay leedahay dhirta (Qalinkii Rashka)

Dalkeena soomaaliya waxa ka baxa dhir farabadan taasi oo leh qeybo kala duwan isla markaana Fa’iido badan u leh Dadka Soomaaliyeed .
Dhirta ka baxda Dalkeena hooyo waxa ay leedahay waxtar aad u weyn waxaana ka mid ah:
1-Dhirta waxa aan ka helnaa Cuno
2-Dhirta waxa aan ka sameysanaa Hooy ama meel aan ku hoyono
3-dhirta waxaan ka helnaa ama aan ka sameysanaa Dhar
4-Dhirta waxa aan ka helnaa qoryaha aan dabka ku karsano IWM
Dabcan dhirta waxa ay inoo leedahay faa’iidooyin kala duwan taasi oo aanan lagu soo koobi Karin qormadaan aan ku eegeyno waxtarka dhirta.
Dhanka kale waxa jira dad caadeystay in ay jaraan ama Gooyaan dhirta si ay uga shidaan Dhuxul  ayagoona mar-marsiyo ka dhiganaayo in ay yihiin shaqo la’aan.
Hadaba maxa ka dhalan karo hadii la jaro Dhirta Dalka ama laga shito Dhuxul.
Hadii la jaro ama la gooyo dhirta ka baxda Dalkeena hooyo waxa ka dhalan karo dhibaatooyin farabadan taasi oo ay sabab u tahay jarista la jaray Dhirta waxaana kamid ah:
1-Dhirta oo la jaro waxa ay keentaa Nabaad Guur ku yimaado Deegaanka
2-Dhirta oo la jaro waxa ay keentaa Roobka oo yaraado
3-dhirta oo la jaro waxa ay keentaa Dabeelaha oo bata
4-Dhirta oo la jaro waxa ay keentaa in Daadadka roobka ay dhibaateyaan Bulshada ku dhaqan Deegaan-ka. IWM.
Hadaba anagoo ka duuleyna  arimahaasi aan kor kusoo xusnay maxaa la gudboon Bulshada si looga hortago dhibaatooyinka ay leedahay jarista dhirta sidoo kale makula tahay in hadii laga wacyi galiyo dadka jara dhirta in ay joogsaneyso jarida dhirta isla markaana loo abuuri karo shaqooyin ka wanaagsan tan ay hada hayaan.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Ma ogtahay in ay jiran websityo wax laga barto isla markaana si Free ah aad aqoontada uga kororsan kartit?

Aqiyaarta aan hawada ku saxiibnayoow maanta waxaan halkaan idiin kugu haya websityo dhoor ah kuwaasi ood aqoon ka korarsan doontit si free ah..

Hadaba halkaan hoose ka eeg webka aad doontit iyo macluumad ku saabsan adeega uu bixinayo waxa ayna u badan yihiin kuwa  IT Programing.
xuquuqda qoraalka waxa leh webka waxbarashada ee www.ardaykaabcom


Wax kabaro dhamaan shortcats ka ama xarfaha laso gaab-gabiyay Keyboard-ka

  • Aqiyarey halkan waxaan idiin kugu haya dhamaan keyboard shortcatska
  • Ka bagasho wacan
We’ve compiled a list of keyboard shortcuts for Windows 190 + shortcuts grouped into categories for easy access. If we missed some shortcut in this list, kindly let us know through the comments section.
Here are the shortcuts to get to the shortcuts:
Note: Some of the shortcuts given below may not work for versions below Windows 8.

General Shortcuts

Let’s kickstart the list with the most common shortcuts that you’ll often use.
  • F1 [Display Help]
  • F2 [Rename the selected item]
  • F3 [Search for a file or folder]
  • F4 [Display the address bar list in File Explorer]
  • F5 [Refresh the active window]
  • F6 [Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop]
  • F10 [Activate the Menu bar in the active app]
  • ALT + F4 [Close the active item, or exit the active app]
  • ALT + ESC [Cycle through items in the order in which they were opened]
  • ALT + underlined letter in menus and dialog box options [Perform the command for that letter]
  • ALT + ENTER [Display properties for the selected item]
  • ALT + SPACEBAR [Open the shortcut menu for the active window]
  • ALT + LEFT ARROW [Back]
  • ALT + RIGHT ARROW [Forward]
  • ALT + PAGE UP [Move up one screen]
  • ALT + PAGE DOWN [Move down one screen]
  • ALT + TAB [Switch between open apps (except desktop apps)]
  • CTRL + F4 [Close the active document (in apps that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)]
  • CTRL + A [Select all items in a document or window]
  • CTRL + C or CTRL + INSERT [Copy the selected item]
  • CTRL + D / DELETE [DELETE the selected item and move it to the Recycle Bin]
  • CTRL + R or F5 [Refresh the active window]
  • CTRL + V or SHIFT + INSERT [Paste the selected item]
  • CTRL + X [Cut the selected item]
  • CTRL + Y [Redo an action]
  • CTRL + Z [Undo an action]
  • CTRL + + or CTRL + [Zoom in or out of a large NUMBER of items, like apps pinned to the Start screen]
  • CTRL + mouse scroll wheel [Change the size of desktop icons or zoom in or out of a large NUMBER of items, like apps pinned to the Start screen]
  • CTRL + RIGHT ARROW [Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word]
  • CTRL + LEFT ARROW [Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word]
  • CTRL + DOWN ARROW [Move the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph]
  • CTRL + UP ARROW [Move the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph]
  • CTRL + ALT + TAB [Use the arrow keys to switch between all open apps]
  • CTRL + ARROW + SPACEBAR [Select multiple individual items in a window or on the desktop]
  • CTRL + SHIFT + ARROW [Select a block of text]
  • CTRL + ESC [Open the Start screen]
  • CTRL + SHIFT + ESC [Open Task Manager]
  • CTRL + SHIFT [Switch the keyboard layout when multiple keyboard layouts are available]
  • CTRL + SPACEBAR [Turn the Chinese input method editor (IME) on or off]
  • SHIFT + F10 [Display the shortcut menu for the selected item]
  • SHIFT + ARROW [Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document]
  • SHIFT + DELETE [Delete the selected item without moving it to the Recycle Bin first]
  • RIGHT ARROW [Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu]
  • LEFT ARROW [Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu]
  • ESC [Stop or leave the current task]

Windows key Shortcuts

Let’s check the keyboard shortcuts involving the Windows logo key. Most of them are introduced in Windows 8’s Metro UI, and can be used in Windows 8 and above.
  • Win + F1 [Open Windows Help and support]
  • Win [Display or hide the Start screen]
  • Win + B [Set focus in the notification area]
  • Win + C [Open Charms]
  • Win + D [Display and hide the desktop]
  • Win + E [Open File Explorer]
  • Win + F [Open the Search charm and search for files]
  • Win + H [Open the Share charm]
  • Win + I [Open the Settings charm]
  • Win + K [Open the Devices charm]
  • Win + L [Lock your PC or switch people]
  • Win + M [Minimize all windows]
  • Win + O [Lock device orientation]
  • Win + P [Choose a presentation display mode]
  • Win + Q [Open the Search charm to search everywhere or within the open app (if the app supports app search)]
  • Win + R [Open the Run dialog box]
  • Win + S [Open the Search charm to search Windows and the web]
  • Win + T [Cycle through apps on the taskbar]
  • Win + U [Open Ease of Access Center]
  • Win + V [Cycle through notifications]
  • Win + SHIFT + V [Cycle through notifications in reverse order]
  • Win + W [Open the Search charm and search for settings]
  • Win + X [Open the Quick Link menu]
  • Win + Z [Show the commands available in the app]
  • Win + , [Temporarily peek at the desktop]
  • Win + PAUSE [Display the System Properties dialog box]
  • Win + CTRL + F [Search for PCs (if you’re on a network)]
  • Win + SHIFT + M [Restore minimized windows on the desktop]
  • Win + (NUMBER 1-9) [Open the desktop and start the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number. If the app is already running, it switches to that app.]
  • Win + SHIFT + (NUMBER 1-9) [Open the desktop and start a new instance of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number]
  • Win + CTRL + (NUMBER 1-9) [Open the desktop and switch to the last active window of the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number]
  • Win + ALT + (NUMBER 1-9) [Open the desktop and open the Jump List for the app pinned to the taskbar in the position indicated by the number]
  • Win + CTRL + SHIFT + (NUMBER 1-9) [Open the desktop and open a new instance of the app located at the given position on the taskbar as an administrator]
  • Win + TAB [Cycle through recently used apps (except desktop apps)]
  • Win + CTRL + TAB [Cycle through recently used apps (except desktop apps)]
  • Win + SHIFT + TAB [Cycle through recently used apps (except desktop apps) in reverse order]
  • Win + CTRL + B [Switch to the app that displayed a message in the notification area]
  • Win + UP ARROW [Maximize the window]
  • Win + DOWN ARROW [Remove current app from screen or minimize the desktop window]
  • Win + LEFT ARROW [Maximize the app or desktop window to the LEFT side of the screen]
  • Win + RIGHT ARROW [Maximize the app or desktop window to the RIGHT side of the screen]
  • Win + HOME [Minimize all but the active desktop window (restores all windows on second stroke)]
  • Win + SHIFT + UP ARROW [Stretch the desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen]
  • Win + SHIFT + DOWN ARROW [Restore/minimize active desktop windows vertically, maintaining width]
  • Win + SHIFT + LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW [Move an app or window in the desktop from one monitor to another]
  • Win + SPACEBAR [Switch input language and keyboard layout]
  • Win + CTRL + SPACEBAR [Change to a previously selected input]
  • Win + ENTER [Open Narrator]
  • Win + SHIFT + . [Cycle through open apps]
  • Win + . [Cycle through open apps]
  • Win + / [Initiate IME reconversion]
  • Win + ALT + ENTER [Open WindowsMedia Center]
  • Win + +/- [Zoom in or out using Magnifier]
  • Win + ESC [Exit Magnifier]

Dialog box Shortcuts

These are the keyboard shortcuts that can be used in dialog boxes.
  • F1 [Display Help]
  • F4 [Display the items in the active list]
  • CTRL + TAB [Move forward through tabs]
  • CTRL + SHIFT + TAB [Move back through tabs]
  • CTRL + (NUMBER 1-9) [Move to nth tab]
  • TAB [Move forward through options]
  • SHIFT + TAB [Move back through options]
  • ALT + underlined letter in menus and dialog box options [Perform the command (or select the option) that goes with that letter]
  • SPACEBAR [Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box]
  • BACKSPACE [Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box]
  • ARROW keys [Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons]

File explorer Shortcuts

These are the shortcuts that can be used to work with File Explorer’s windows or folders.

  • ALT + D [Select the address bar]
  • CTRL + E [Select the search box]
  • CTRL + F [Select the search box]
  • CTRL + N [Open a new window]
  • CTRL + W [Close the current window]
  • CTRL + mouse scroll wheel [Change the size and appearance of file and folder icons]
  • CTRL + SHIFT + E [Display all folders above the selected folder]
  • CTRL + SHIFT + N [Create a new folder]
  • NUM LOCK + * [Display all subfolders under the selected folder]
  • NUM LOCK + + [Display the contents of the selected folder]
  • NUM LOCK + [Collapse the selected folder]
  • ALT + P [Display the preview pane]
  • ALT + ENTER [Open the Properties dialog box for the selected item]
  • ALT + RIGHT ARROW [View the next folder]
  • ALT + UP ARROW [View the folder that the folder was in]
  • ALT + LEFT ARROW [View the previous folder]
  • BACKSPACE [View the previous folder]
  • RIGHT ARROW [Display the current selection (if it’s collapsed), or select the first subfolder]
  • LEFT ARROW [Collapse the current selection (if it’s expanded), or select the folder that the folder was in]
  • END [Display the bottom of the active window]
  • HOME [Display the top of the active window]
  • F11 [Maximize or minimize the active window]

Taskbar Shortcuts

Here are the keyboard shortcuts to work with items on the Desktop’s taskbar.
  • SHIFT + Click a taskbar button [Open an app or quickly open another instance of an app]
  • CTRL + SHIFT + Click a taskbar button [Open an app as an administrator]
  • SHIFT + Right-click a taskbar button [Show the window menu for the app]
  • SHIFT + Right-click a grouped taskbar button [Show the window menu for the groUP]
  • CTRL + Click a grouped taskbar button [Cycle through the windows of the groUP]

Ease of access Shortcuts

These are the keyboard shortcuts to help you use your computer easily.

  • Hold RIGHT SHIFT for eight seconds [Turn Filter Keys on and off]
  • LEFT ALT + LEFT SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN [Turn High Contrast on or off]
  • LEFT ALT + LEFT SHIFT + NUM LOCK [Turn Mouse Keys on or off]
  • Press SHIFT five times [Turn Sticky Keys on or off]
  • Press NUM LOCK for five seconds [Turn Toggle Keys on or off]
  • Win + U [Open the Ease of Access Center]

Magnifier Shortcuts

Here are the keyboard shortcuts to help you use Magnifier.

  • Win + + [Zoom in]
  • Win + [Zoom out]
  • CTRL + ALT + SPACEBAR [Preview the desktop in full-screen mode]
  • CTRL + ALT + D [Switch to docked mode]
  • CTRL + ALT + F [Switch to full-screen mode]
  • CTRL + ALT + I [Invert colors]
  • CTRL + ALT + L [Switch to lens mode]
  • CTRL + ALT + R [Resize the lens]
  • CTRL + ALT + ARROW keys [Pan in the direction of the ARROW keys]
  • Win + ESC [Exit Magnifier]

Narrator Shortcuts

These are the keyboard shortcuts to help you use Narrator.

SPACEBAR or ENTER [Activate current item]

  • TAB + ARROW keys [Move around on the screen]
  • CTRL [Stop reading]
  • CAPS LOCK + D [Read item]
  • CAPS LOCK + M [Start reading]
  • CAPS LOCK + H [Read document]
  • CAPS LOCK + V [Repeat phrase]
  • CAPS LOCK + W [Read window]
  • CAPS LOCK + PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN [Increase or decrease the volume of the voice]
  • CAPS LOCK + +/- [Increase or decrease the speed of the voice]
  • CAPS LOCK + SPACEBAR [Do default action]
  • CAPS LOCK + LEFT or RIGHT ARROW [Move to previous/next item]
  • CAPS LOCK + F2 [Show commands for current item]
  • Caps + ESC [Exit Narrator]

Remote desktop connection Shortcuts

These are the keyboard shortcuts to ease the use of remote desktop connection.
  • ALT + PAGE UP [Move between apps, left to right]
  • ALT + PAGE DOWN [Move between apps, right to left]
  • ALT + INSERT [Cycle through apps in the order that they were started]
  • ALT + HOME [Display the Start screen]
  • CTRL + ALT + BREAK [Switch between a window and full screen]
  • CTRL + ALT + END [Display the Windows Security dialog box]
  • CTRL + ALT + HOME [In full-screen mode, activate the connection bar]
  • ALT + DELETE [Display the system menu]
  • CTRL + ALT +
    [Place a copy of the active window, within the client, on the Terminal server clipboard (similar to ALT + PRINT SCREEN on a local PC)]
  • CTRL + ALT + +
    [Place a copy of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard (similar to Print Screen on a local PC)]
    [TAB out of the Remote Desktop controls to a control in the host app (for example, a button or a text box). Useful when the Remote Desktop controls are embedded in another (host) app.]
    [TABout of the Remote Desktop controls to a control in the host app (for example, a button or a text box). Useful when the Remote Desktop controls are embedded in another (host) app.]

Help viewer Shortcuts

These are the keyboard shortcuts that can be used with the help viewer.

  • F3 [Move the cursor to the search box]
  • F10 [Display the Options menu]
  • HOME [Move to the beginning of a topic]
  • END [Move to the end of a topic]
  • ALT + LEFT ARROW [Move back to the previously viewed topic]
  • ALT + RIGHT ARROW [Move to the next (previously viewed) topic]
  • ALT + HOME [Display the Help and support home page]
  • ALT + A [Display the customer support page]
  • ALT + C [Display the TABle of Contents]
  • ALT + N [Display the Connection Settings menu]
  • CTRL + F [Search the current topic]
  • CTRL + P [Print a topic]

App rearranging Shortcuts (Metro)

Here are the keyboard shortcuts that can be used to rearrange apps on Metro screen. You should keep the Windows key pressed down continuously once you enter in the rearrange mode, then use the various commands. When you’re done rearranging apps, then release the Windows key.
  • Win + . [Enter Rearrange mode and select apps or dividers across monitors]
  • Win + LEFT ARROW [Move app divider left]
  • Win + RIGHT ARROW [Move app divider right]
  • Win + UP ARROW [Maximize app]
  • Win + DOWN ARROW [Close app]
  • Win + ESC [Exit Rearrange mode]